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Results for search "Body Building".

Health News Results - 4

05 Mar
Weight Training Best Exercise For Insomnia Among Seniors

Weight Training Best Exercise For Insomnia Among Seniors

Seniors battling insomnia are best off picking up some dumbbells or doing some push-ups, a new evidence review suggests.

Resistance exercise, activities that make muscl...

23 Jan
Fitter Folks Have Better Odds Against Cancer

Fitter Folks Have Better Odds Against Cancer

Pumping iron and hitting the treadmill can improve your odds against cancer, a new evidence review says.

People with more muscle strength and better cardio fitness are less likely to die from cancer, researchers reported recently in the

29 Oct
You Can Take Weeks-Long Breaks in Weight Training and Muscles Bounce Back

You Can Take Weeks-Long Breaks in Weight Training and Muscles Bounce Back

For many reasons, bodybuilders and others involved in weight training might have to take a break from the gym.

However, new Finnish research fi...

02 May
Young Men Are Using Banned 'SARM' Supplements to Bulk Up, With Harmful Results

Young Men Are Using Banned 'SARM' Supplements to Bulk Up, With Harmful Results

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is once again warning consumers to avoid muscle-building "supplements" that are anything but a safe alternative to steroids.

In an

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