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Results for search "Seniors".

20 Nov

Type 2 Diabetes Before 50 May Up Dementia Risk

A new study finds people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes before the age of 50 are nearly twice as likely to develop dementia compared to those diagnosed at 70. Researchers say the link is especially strong in those with obesity.

23 Oct

More Seniors Splitting Up. Gray Divorce Rate Hits New High, Study Finds

The divorce rate among people 65+ nearly tripled from 1990 to 2022, and it looks like Baby Boomers are driving the trend.

22 Jul

Simple Supplement May Slow Vision Loss in Patients with Common Form of Macular Degeneration

A new study finds a daily supplement of antioxidants and minerals may slow central vision loss in people with late dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Health News Results - 195

22 Mar
Retiring Abroad May Lead to More Loneliness, Study Finds

Retiring Abroad May Lead to More Loneliness, Study Finds

There’s nothing like the feeling of years of hard work paying off -- when you can finally transition to a life of non-work activities, whether it’s traveling, diving into personal projects or even learning a new language. 

But retirement in a warm, affor...

21 Mar
Sleepy Seniors Might Be At Increased Risk For Dementia

Sleepy Seniors Might Be At Increased Risk For Dementia

Drowsy during the daytime?

For seniors, such sleepiness could indicate that they’re at increased risk for dementia, a new study suggests.

Women in their 80s had double risk of dementia if they experienced increasing daytime sleepiness over a five-year period,...

19 Mar
Seniors Benefit From Tight Blood Pressure Control

Seniors Benefit From Tight Blood Pressure Control

Elderly people benefit from taking medications to keep their blood pressure low, same as younger folks, a new study says.

Systolic blood pressure kept under 130 reduces the risk...

12 Mar
Spouses Also Benefit From Partner's Knee/Hip Replacement

Spouses Also Benefit From Partner's Knee/Hip Replacement

Knee or hip replacement is a major surgery, and many people must lean hard on their spouses to care for them during weeks to months of recuperation.

But all that hassle is absolutely worthwhile for the one providing care for their temporarily disabled partner, a new stud...

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